FutureFarming is increasing Farmer’s Income through Technology Driven Agriculture Ecosystem

FUTURE FARMING is the agri-tech in India focused on providing the necessary tools and technology for farmers and agri-businesses to boost food production with better yields, lower costs, and smarter marketing. Future Farming exists to create new connections between the farmers who grow our food and the people who enjoy it.
FutureFarming calls upon Agripreneur(Farmers) from all over to come and join us in the mission to Educate & Encourage Millions of Indian Farmer to Increase their Profitability by 2025

Welcome to the Organic/Natural/Pesticides-Free Beneficial Farming Mission – 2021. Each district starting from Bihar to expanding each district of India has a mission to benefit at least 5 young, passionate and smart working farmers (FutureFarming call those Farmers “Agripernuers”) by linking them to this mission. These same Agriprenuers of every district will have a model farming representing the whole district, which will be able to benefit from the Aggressive farmers of the district. Some of the major crops have been selected for the FutureFarming Beneficial Agriculture Mission, by which farmers can increase their income from traditional farming to at least 2 to 5 properties. Training, guidance, digital support, management and marketing will be provided to the farmers so that the income of the farmers can be protected. It is an Agritech digital platform through which farmers will get access to seeds from the market and successful farmers to capital. FutureFarming invites Agripreneurs at every district/block level under the franchise model to meet the goals of benefiting more and more farmers from this mission.

– New and advanced techniques
– Market & Buyers
– Seeds
– Tools
– Training
– Support
– Weather Update/Govt Schemes
– Guidance of Experts
– Soil Testing facility
– Financial Capital
हमारा मिशन 2025 तक अपनी लाभप्रदता बढ़ाने के लिए भारतीय किसान को शिक्षित और प्रोत्साहित करना है।
Our Mission is to Educate & Encourage Millions of Indian Farmer to Increase their Profitability by 2025.

Smart Farming

हमारा विजन भारतीय किसानों को सतत, स्केलेबल और लाभदायक कृषि खेती व्यवसाय के लिए सशक्त बनाना है।
Our Vision is to empower Indian Farmers for Sustainable, Scalable and Profitable Agriculture Farming Business.